Undocumented youth face many challenges. Attorneys, mental health professionals, and judicial officers all need accurate information to assist them in meeting the needs of this vulnerable population. This workshop will familiarize participants with strategies for effectively assessing the legal status of minors born outside the United States, and with options for protecting them from the risk of deportation, with a particular focus on the role of our family, juvenile, and probate courts in providing this vulnerable population with protection and stability through Special Immigrant Juvenile Status.

Learning Objectives:

  • To help participants accurately assess the legal status of youth born outside the United States.
  • To provide an overview of the legal options available to protect undocumented youth from deportation/removal from the United States.
  • To identify ethical issues raised by the various options for helping undocumented youth.
  • To provide an understanding of the role of our state courts (family, juvenile, and probate) in obtaining Special Immigrant Juvenile Status for undocumented youth.