We begin with the premise that benefits can be derived from devoting time and effort to maintaining respectful, collegial relationships with our adversaries, whether attorneys or mental health professionals. It is highly likely that each of us working in this field has had experiences with colleagues that have left us sad, troubled and somewhat bitter. Does the adversary system cause us to mirror the parties’ underlying conflict or can we transcend the conflict and model appropriate behavior that includes the obligation to repair relationships that have been hurt? Is there something that the courts can do to facilitate respect and collegiality? For those of us who are not giving up litigation any time soon, we will provide thoughts and guidance designed to help us maintain and strengthen these important relationships.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will be able to:
- Identify the pitfalls in mirroring parties’ conflicts by professional advocates and their consultants in the case.
- Identify the benefits derived from devoting time and effort to maintaining collegial relationships with our adversaries.
- Understand ethics and boundaries issues when considering who they should and shouldn’t work with.