How do I register for the program?
You have two options. Click on the link to “Register Online” and select the Conference workshops you would like to attend and use your credit card to register.  The second option is to fill out the brochure registration form or download a form by clicking “Register by Mail,” select the Conference workshops you wish to attend, and mail the registration form plus your check or credit card information to: AFCC-CA, P.O. 703, Browns Valley, CA 95918.

Once I register for the Conference, will I receive a confirmation?
Yes, an email will be sent showing the sessions you registered for.

Is there an early registration deadline?
Yes, January 5, 2018 is the last day to get a Conference “Early Bird” discount.

Do California members get a discount?
Yes, you get a further discount if you are an AFCC California Chapter member ($50.00 savings), so that’s $100.00 if you’re an AFCC-CA Chapter member and register early!

Is there a cancellation policy?
Yes, a thirty day Cancellation Policy: No refunds will be issued. Written notice of cancellation received by email or postmarked by January 3, 2018 will be issued a credit for the next year’s AFCC-CA Conference. No credits will be issued for cancellations received after January 3, 2018. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.

If I want to stay at the Conference hotel, the Park Central Hotel, how do I book a room?
Click the “Accommodations” link to reserve your room at the Park Central online or call (888) 627-8561, ask for reservations, give the name of the Conference and receive our special guest room rate.

What is the last date I can reserve a guest room at the Park Central Hotel
A block of rooms have been reserved at the discounted rate of $219.00 single/double per night and will be released on January 18, 2018 at 5:00 p.m., and no longer available at the special conference rate.  But be aware that those rooms might sell out early, so be sure to reserve your hotel room now!

Will Conference Materials be available at the hotel?
All attendees will receive a flash drive with Conference materials. Additionally, the Conference Materials will be available online for you to personally download at your convenience.  We will email you instructions shortly before the Conference.

Does the website have a description of the course content for each Institute, Plenary and Workshop?
Yes, you may review the description of each session by clicking the “Conference Program Description” link (on the left) and select the program you wish to attend when filling out your registration form.

Is there a special price for Conference Presenters?
Yes! You receive an additional $50.00 discount on top of any Early Bird and/or California Chapter Member discounts you receive. But to get this discount you must mail your registration form to:
PO Box 703, Browns Valley, CA 95918.

Is there a special price for Court Personnel and Non-Profit Staff, Law School and Mental Health Grad Students or Young Professionals practicing less than five years?

Court Personnel, Non-Profit Staff, and Young Professionals practicing less 5 years*** = $395.00
Law School and Mental Health Grad Students*** = $200.00

*** All those wishing to receive the $395.00 or $200.00 Conference rate must supply proper identification to register and mail that, along with their registration form to: PO Box 703, Browns Valley, CA 95918.

And be aware that there are no additional discounts to these prices.

I would like to sponsor the AFCC-CA 2018 Conference. Where can I send my check?
When registering online, you may charge your sponsorship to your credit card. Please click link on the left to the Sponsorship Information page for more information.  In the alternative, you may send a check payable to AFCC-CA to: PO Box 703, Browns Valley, CA 95918.  Please include the sponsorship form – available for download on the Sponsorship Information page.

I want to purchase the 2018 AFCC Conference CD’s. Will an order form be available?
Each registrant will receive an order form in their welcome packet. The CD’s will be available by mid-March, 2018.

How can I become an AFCC member?
On our website, www.afcc-ca.org, please select the “Join Today!” link then just follow the prompts. Be sure to support AFCC in California by also becoming a California Chapter member.

How can I become more involved in AFCC-CA?
Attend the 2018 Conference in San Francisco to meet family law attorneys, judges, mental-health professionals and many others who are dedicated to improving the lives of children and families through the resolution of conflict. Also please consider becoming a California Chapter member (don’t forget, CA Chapter members receive a $50.00 discount to the Conference).

Which workshops will fulfill my annual continuing education requirements for Custody Evaluators?
The short answer is “all of them.”

Your four hours of annual update on Domestic Violence will be fulfilled by the:
Pre-Conference Institute 3: 4.0 hours 
Workshop 8: 2.0 hours
Workshop 12: 2.0 hours

If you choose one institute, attend all the plenaries and choose one workshop in each workshop period, you will collect 16.5 hours of required continuing education.  Just make sure that four of those hours are the DV hours noted above.