Here’s what’s coming up in the AFCC California child custody community:
- We are holding the AFCC California 2020 Annual Conference February 7th through 9th at the Park Central Hotel in San Francisco and this year’s theme is THE POWER OF DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Creating Connection, Compassion and Calm in Family Law. The weekend kicks off with the Friday afternoon Institutes and the main conference begins Friday evening with the opening Plenary and reception. Saturday brings workshop sessions, two plenaries and our award luncheon, and the weekend concludes mid-day with the closing plenary and workshops. A total of 16.5 hours continuing education credit is available, 12.5 for the Conference and 4 for the Institute. Register by January 10th to take advantage of the reduced Early Bird rate. Visit the 2020 Conference Page for more information and to register.
- ACFLS’s annual Spring Seminar is coming up on March 27th through 29th. Providing 11 hours of MCLE and Family Law Specialization credit, this year they are exploring Battle of the Experts: Preparing Your End Game. For full program details and to register visit the ACFLS website at
- AFCC will be holding their 57th Annual Conference in New Orleans this coming May 27th through 30th. The conference is entitled When a Child Rejects a Parent: Are We Part of the Problem or the Solution? Registration is open ~ visit for more information.
Merry Gladchun has been a legal secretary since 2002, working primarily in family law, and has served as Chapter Administrator and Executive Director for AFCC California since 2015. She is currently also the chapter’s webmaster and administrative editor for their newsletter, AFCC-CA Insights. Merry lives in Los Angeles.