Albert R. Gibbs
Dr. Albert R. Gibbs is a licensed clinical psychologist who has specialized in Family Law for more than 35 years, conducting 730 Child Custody Evaluations, psycho-diagnostic and forensic risk assessments, and Parent Plan Coordinator services. He served as a board member of the California chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts between 2015 and 2021.
Dr. Gibbs was appointed an Expert Witness and Child Custody Evaluator by the Family Law Department of the Los Angeles County Superior Court in 1994. He has also served as Director of Clinical Training and Family Therapy at the Julia Ann Singer Center in West Los Angeles, Senior Staff Psychologist and Clinical Supervisor at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and was a charter member of their Divorce and Custody Program. He has taught as Associate Professor at the California School of Professional Psychology and Wright Institute, and has presented at several training programs, conferences and colloquium, including the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Los Angeles County Bar Association and the Superior Court of Los Angeles County.
Dr. Gibbs conducted court-approved co-parenting classes from 2004 to 2020 in Los Angeles and Pasadena, and has extensive experience teaching, coaching and counseling high-conflict parents, addressing challenges of maintaining effective working alliances, and overcoming resistances to healthy co-parenting common among high-conflict co-parents.