Maria Young

Maria Young, MA holds a Masters in Counseling Psychology from California Institute of Integral Studies, and Bachelors in Neuroscience from University of California San Diego.  Maria currently holds a position as a Differential Response Program Manager – she provides weekly didactic trainings to Differential Response Case Managers to address challenges and treatment planning for families of color involved in the CPS system.  Differential Response serves over 300 families in San Mateo County, and 85% of the families are families of color.  Her diversity training began in 2012 when she participated in and facilitated an Interpersonal Dynamics group to help Mental Health professionals forge strong relationships with people who are culturally different from them.  She continues to receive training in cross-cultural facilitation with StirFry Seminars, which specializes in mindful techniques to enhance understanding of the impact of culture on relationships, conflictual cultural situations, as well as how to develop a deeper and more authentic sense of community and openness within diverse groups.