Mary Lund

Mary Elizabeth Lund, Ph.D. is currently a co-parenting therapist and mediator in Santa Monica and for 35 years was a custody evaluator and parenting plan coordinator. She has been a long-time member of the Family Law Executive Committee of the L.A. County Bar, a Past President of the California Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, and a frequent trainer for incoming Family Law judicial officers through California Center for Judicial Education (CJER). She has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from UCLA, and received a U.S. National Institute of Mental Health postdoctoral research grant to study effects of divorce on children at the Centre for Family Research, University of Cambridge, England. She has co-taught mediation courses with noted authors Ken Cloke, J.D. and Forrest Mosten, J.D. Her articles include original research and clinical articles on effects of divorce on children, parental alienation, divorced fathers, custody evaluations, and mediation.