Susan C. Rempel

Susan C. Rempel, Ph.D. is a LMFT who serves as a child custody evaluator and mediator, parenting plan coordinator, therapist, and consultant. Dr. Rempel has performed more than 575 child custody evaluations. She is listed on the Los Angeles Superior Court Family Law Private Child Custody Evaluator and Private Counselor lists. She is a practitioner member of the APFM and has served as a child custody mediator for the SFVBA and LACBA VAST and VSO programs. Her therapy practice focuses on high conflict families with parent-child contact problems. She is a clinical member of the AAMFT and CAMFT. She is a member of the AFCC. She is the president-elect of the AFCC California Chapter and serves on its Board of Directors. She has presented at local, state, national, and international conferences.