Israel’s Recent Family Law Reforms – Leading the Way in Meeting the Needs of Children and Families in Conflict
Presenters: Terri Breer,JD,Galit Sneh Lurie,Lawyer (Israel)
Giving Voice to the Preverbal: The Importance of an Individuated, Culturally Competent Approach When Intervening with Babies, Toddlers and their Families
Presenters: Deborah Wald,JD, CFLS,Alicia Lieberman,Ph.D.,Robin Silverman,JD, Ph.D.,Roger Chan,Judge
Substance Use & Use Disorders: Addressing Complex Issues in Family Law
Presenters: Robert Kaufman,Ph.D., ABPP,David Kan,MD,Renee Ross,JD, CFLS, CALS, IAFL
Models of Early Intervention Currently Being Used On The East and West Coasts
Presenters: Shawn McCall,Psy.D., JD,Anne Spearman,LPC
Coercive Control: An Assault on the Family From All Angles (DV)
Presenters: Diane Wasznicky,JD, CFLS,Emberly Cross,JD, MSW,James Bertoli,Judge,Susan C. Rempel,Ph.D., LMFT
Before Too Much Damage is Done: Creative Approaches to Early Intervention
Presenters: Lyn Greenberg,Ph.D., ABPP,Leslie Drozd,Ph.D.,Jorge Akagi,LCSW,Nikki Clark,Commissioner
A High Conflict Case – Trauma’s Impact on Memory, Children, Parents, & the Courts
Presenters: Philip Stahl,Ph.D., ABPP,Rebecca Stahl,JD, LLM
Using Psychoanalytic Thinking to Formulate Early Intervention Treatment Strategies for High Conflict Separating and Divorcing Families
Presenters: Kathy Sinsheimer,MFT,Dana Iscoff,MFT
The Intersection of Family Law and Child Protective Services: Understanding and Supporting Families When Child Safety is At Play
Presenters: Dene Carroll,LCSW,Jamie Ott,LCSW,Kathleen Smith,JD
Interviewing and Assessing Children in Family Law Matters: Using the Literature
Presenters: S. Margaret Lee,Ph.D.,Lorie Nachlis,JD, CFLS, AAML,Nancy Olesen,
Reducing Lethality Risks in “High Conflict” Parenting Cases (DV)
Presenters: Mark A. Juhas,Judge,Julia Weber,JD, MSW,Lorie Nachlis,JD, CFLS, AAML