Dear Members,
It has been a pleasure to serve as editor of the AFCC-CA newsletter for the last two years. This is the last newsletter I will serve as editor and I wanted to thank you for your interest as well as submissions for publication.
One of my goals as editor was to have the newsletter reflect our diverse membership as well as areas of interest to the members. Our chapter brings together professionals from different disciplines but with the common interest of improving child custody representation and other issues that can improve our practices.
Immediate Past President Mike Kretzmer plans to innovate the newsletter and has many ideas on how to accomplish this. The newsletter is a way of keeping in touch with other members as well as staying informed of different topics that affect our practices. Please consider submitting articles and information for consideration for publication of future newsletters.
I am excited for the future and hope that you will participate in the new phase of our newsletter.
Sincerely, Merlyn N. Hernandez
- Topics:
- Editor's Message