This annual domestic violence update for professionals working in California courts will include summaries of key 2022 appellate cases, new statutes, and an amended Ca. Standard of Court dealing with preventing bias. Participants will be invited to comment during the presentation or ask questions. The section on preventing burnout and fostering resilience will start with a participatory exercise with reports back to the larger group, followed by slides explaining vicarious trauma and describing various methods of preventing burnout. The final section will include summaries of new social science studies about DV, including effects on children of exposure to DV. Family Violence Appellate Project, the primary non-profit agency in California focusing on legal issues facing survivors of DV and their children, has offered this Institute for several years. The panel includes a judge with many years of experience in DV and a former psychology professor who focuses on trauma and abuse.
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will be able to describe at least one significant holding from a recent California appellate case or US Supreme Court decision involving children and domestic violence.
- Participants will be able to identify key signs of burnout or vicarious trauma in themselves or others.
- Participants will be able to implement several tools to foster resilience in themselves as they work with survivors and perpetrators of domestic violence.