Side-Stepping the Adversarial Paradigm of Child Custody and Visitation Disputes in the Neuro-Diverse and Able-Diverse World
Presenters: Ethan Marcus,CFLS,Joshua Feder,MD,Karyn Searcy,MA, CCC-SLP,Cynthia LaBrie Norall,Ph.D., BCBA-D
Adjudicating Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse When Custody is In Dispute
Presenters: Seth Goldstein,JD,Robert Geffner,PhD, ABPP, ABN
Domestic Violence Institute: Annual Update for Family Court Judges, Attorneys, and Custody Professionals
Presenters: Jessica Dayton,JD, CFLS,Mindy Mechanic,Ph.D., Professor,Tara M. Flanagan,Judge
What Have We Learned About “Parental Alienation” and Parent-Child Contact Problems? An Historical Perspective
Presenters: Robert Kaufman,Ph.D., ABPP,Steven Friedlander,Ph.D.,Robin Deutsch,Ph.D., ABPP,Marjorie Slabach,Commissioner, Retired
Intergenerational Translation: The Art of Creating Effective Communication Across Generations
Presenters: Sacha Joseph-Mathews, PhD,Ph.D.
A Family Law “Charrette”: How Would Stakeholders Design Our Family Courts? A Conversation.
Presenters: Sharon Kalemkiarian,Judge,Monica F. Wiley,Judge,Mark Minyard,JD,Thomas J. Umberg,Senator,Susan C. Rempel,Ph.D., LMFT
Meeting the Needs of Immigrant Youth
Presenters: Deborah Wald,JD, CFLS,Merlyn Hernandez,JD, CFLS,Tifany Markee,JD, CBLS
Demystifying Asian Parenting: An Essential Workshop for Court Involved Providers
Presenters: Maria Young,MA, LMFT
Conflict, Communication, Courtesy, and Culture: Establishing Fluency
Presenters: Gitu Bhatia,Psy.D.,Linda Bortell,Psy.D.,Mesha Ellis,Ph.D.
Bridging Hearts: Fostering Connection in Family Mediation
Presenters: Avigail Ward,Ph.D., LMFT,Jacquetta Adewole,LMFT
Sunrise Solutions: Incremental Trust Building to Reduce Family Conflict
Presenters: Michael A. Saini,Ph.D., MSW, RSW, Professor
Cyber Shadows: Unveiling Domestic Violence, Harassment, and Intimidation Through Social Media and AI Under the DVPA
Presenters: Susan C. Rempel,Ph.D., LMFT,Angelina Ray,JD, CFLS,Firdaus Dordi,Judge,Jennifer Mouzis,JD
Parenting Plan Evaluation Reports: How Can They Provide a Roadmap for Healthier Family Functioning?
Presenters: Daniel Pickar,Ph.D., ABPP,Monica F. Wiley,Judge,Robert Kaufman,Ph.D., ABPP,Erin Dominquez,Esq.
Teamwork is Dream Work: Parenting Plan Coordinators and Mental Health Therapists Working Together
Presenters: Robin Sax,JD, LCSW,Mary Lund,Ph.D.,Margo Lewis Hoy,Judge
Intergenerational Trauma in Chronic Conflict Families
Presenters: Leslie Drozd,Ph.D.,Jennifer Harrison,PsyD, ABPP, ATR-BC
“No One Will Touch These Cases.” How Did We Get Here? What Can We Do to Fix it?
Presenters: Diane M. Goodman,Judge,Lyn Greenberg,Ph.D., ABPP,Ashleylauren Reyes,LMFT,Dianna Gould-Saltman,Judge
Embracing Emotions To Build Brighter Futures For Families
Presenters: Kathy Campbell,JD, CFLS,Carol Hughes,Ph.D., LMFT
Truth and Consequences: Assessing Witness Truthfulness, Credibility and Reliability in Family Law
Presenters: Mike Kretzmer,JD, CFLS, AAML,Mark A. Juhas,Judge,Albert R. Gibbs,Ph.D.,Robin Deutsch,Ph.D., ABPP
Parental Child Abduction: From Abduction to Recovery and Treatment
Presenters: Carlos Olivares,JD, Minor's Counsel,Maria Puente-Porras,Judge,Mesha Ellis,Ph.D.
Solving the Complex and Ever-changing Custodial Puzzle: An Exercise in Humility
Presenters: Mindy Dirks,Ph.D.,Susan Greenberg,Judge,Andrea Palash,JD, CFLS, AAML Fellow